Curvebreakers is located in Garden City, NY on Long Island.
If you are not able to come into the office, many of the tutors are able to come to the students' home. Students also have the ability to tutor virtually regardless of where they live, but especially, if they do not live in the NY metro area.
No matter where you are, you can connect with Curvebreakers!
Garden City Office
320 Old Country Road, Suite 102, Garden City, NY 11530
The Curvebreakers office in Garden City, NY is walking distance from the Mineola LIRR train station and is located near the intersection of Washington Ave (Roslyn Rd) and Old Country Road. The large parking lot behind the office building is across from the Nassau County court buildings on Washington Ave.
A large parking lot is located behind the building. It can be accessed from Washington Avenue, Ivy Court, or Lefferts Rd.